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How to make sure headline numbering is continuous

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:18 am
by mboth
Hello Sergey,

I am struggeling with headline numbering. This is the scenario:

- We are not using style tempalates.
- TRichView A has some numbered headline HA with some normal text below it.
- Text from A is exported via SaveRVFToStream and put into a database.

Some time later, possibly on another computer or after a reboot,

- TRichView B has again some numbered headline HB with some normal text below it.
- Text from B is exported via SaveRVFToStream() and put into the same database.

Some time later, possibly on another computer or after a reboot,

- TRichView C has some Text.
- HA and HB are retrieved from the database and are appended to the content of C using InsertRVFFromStream().

This results in both headline numbers HA and HB to be "1". I want the headline numbers of HA and HB to continue so we can compose a complex document with continuous headline numbering without user interaction. Also, multi level headline numbers (1.1.1 etc.) should be supported.

In recent versions of TRichView, we cannto get this to work anymore. Before, we used imported styles via style.ini with matching ListID, bit this seems not to work anymore.

Please advice. Thank you.