TRVCamMultiView.CaptionColor, CaptionFont [VCL and LCL], CaptionTextSettings [FMX], CaptionHeight

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TRVCamMultiView.CaptionColor, CaptionFont [VCL and LCL], CaptionTextSettings [FMX], CaptionHeight

The properties define how the caption of viewer windows is displayed.

property CaptionColor: TRVMColor;

property CaptionHeight: Integer;

VCL and LCL:

property CaptionFont: TFont;


property CaptionTextSettings: TTextSettings;

CaptionColor is a default background color for captions of viewer windows (it can be overridden by Viewers[].CaptionColor).

[FMX note]: semi-transparency is not supported in the caption yet, please specify full opacity ($FF) in the alpha channel of this color.

CaptionFont (or CaptionTextSettings) is a font for a text in captions.

CaptionHeight defines the caption height in 96 DPI screen mode. When the screen DPI is different, the caption height is changed accordingly.

Other caption properties are customized for each viewer: Title, CaptionParts, ShowCaption, CaptionColor.

Default values

CaptionHeight: 20

Default values [VCL and LCL]:

CaptionFont: Tahoma, 8

CaptionColor: $00A77E4F

Default values [FMX]:

CaptionColor: $FF4F7EA7

See also

caption properties of TRVCamView