New in v5.0

<< Click to display table of contents >>

New in v5.0

Compatibility issues

TSRichViewEdit.CurControl now works according to the documentation: this is a focused control inside TSRichViewEdit. Previously, this property may be changed to the control at the position of the caret. Use the new event OnChangeCurrentControl to detect when this property is changed.

TSRichViewEdit.ScrollToItem has new parameters. They are optional, but for old versions of C++Builder they must be specified.

A default value for TSRVToolBar.Color and TSRVToolWindow.Color is changed (from clWhite to clWindow)

In the new version, pages can be arranged in columns. To return the old layout (one page in a row), you can assign TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty.MaxPageColCount = 1.

TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty.ZoomPercent can be changed only in the range TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty.ZoomMin..ZoomMax.

The following code is not needed an must be removed from existing projects:

RVA_GetRichViewEditFromPopupComponent := 


RVA_GetRichViewEdit := SRVGetRichViewEdit

Style templates

New properties of TSRichViewEdit: UseStyleTemplates and StyleTemplateInsertMode.

If UseStyleTemplates=True, TsrvActionInsertFootnote formats note characters using 'footnote reference' (or, if it does not exist, make it superscript like before), footnote text using 'footnote text' (or, if it does not exist, uses TsrvActionInsertFootnote.Font like before).

TsrvActionInsertEndnote uses 'endnote reference' and 'endnote text' styles.


You can assign TSRichViewEdit component to Control property of actions inherited from TrvAction (previously, only TRichViewEdit could be assigned). This assignment can be made at a design time.

Font combo-boxes (TRVFontComboBox, TRVFontSizeComboBox, TRVFontCharsetComboBox) do not require additional code any more. They work automatically, if TSRichViewEdit control is assigned to their Editor property (TrvActionFontEx action must be assigned to their ActionFont property as well).

You do not need to call the following code any more:

RVA_GetRichViewEditFromPopupComponent := SRVGetRichViewEditFromPopupComponent;

RVA_GetRichViewEdit := SRVGetRichViewEdit;

SRichViewEdit1.SetRVMargins in TRVAControlPanel.OnMarginsChanged


TSRichViewEdit can play animated (gif) images. Animation is played in ActiveEditor. New AnimationMode property.

Zooming and page arrangement

TSRichViewEdit can display a zooming panel, if ViewProperty.ZoomPanelVisible=True.

In the new version, pages can be arranged in columns. TSRichViewEdit.ViewProperty.MaxPageColCount specifies the maximal count of columns.

Page layout

TSRichViewEdit.PageProperty.MirrorMargins allow exchanging left and right margins on even pages.

"Smart popups"

"Smart popups" are buttons that can be displayed for the current (at the position of the caret) item. New SmartPopupProperties, SmartPopupVisible property and OnSmartPopupClick event.

Other changes

New optional parameters for TSRichViewEdit.ScrollToItem. New ScrollCaretToCenter method.

New AlignButton and Indent properties of TSRVToolBar.

New TSRichViewEdit.OnPrinting event.