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Finds the location of the next checkpoint.

function FindNextCheckpoint(var RVData : TCustomRVData; 

  var ItemNo : Integer; CheckRaiseEvent : Boolean) : Boolean;

Unlike TCustomRichView's methods for checkpoints enumeration, this method correctly processes checkpoints in table cells.

The search can be limited to the specified range of coordinates, see RangeSearch.

Input parameters:

RVData, ItemNo – starting position for the search. The search starts from the next item. RVData is a document (RichViewEdit.RVData, table cell, or cell inplace editor's RVData; if the cell is edited, it must be an inplace editor's RVData), ItemNo is an index of item in this document.

CheckRaiseEvent – if True, searches only for checkpoints with "raise event" flag.

Output parameters:

RVData, ItemNo – position of the found checkpoint. Valid only if the method returns True.

Return value:

True if found.

See also:



