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Inserts graphic files from the Clipboard (CF_HDROP format).

function TCustomRichViewEdit.PasteGraphicFiles(

  FileNamesAsNames,StoreFileNames: Boolean): Boolean;

(introduced in version 10)

This method does nothing if the Clipboard does not contain graphic files in CF_HDROP format. This format is copied, for example, by Windows Explorer, or by Internet Explorer, when user copies an image (a link to the file in the browser's cache is copied).


If FileNamesAsNames = True, the full file name is stored in the picture item name (not recommended).

If StoreFileNames = True, the full file name is is stored in rvespImageFileName extra string property. You can modify this file name in OnAssignImageFileName event.

Method type: editstyle editing-style method for insertion.

You can use OnDropFile event to insert files yourself (so you can implement insertion of files of multiple formats, not only graphics)

This method may be called automatically when pasting files, if the editor chooses to insert data from the Clipboard in this format. In this case, the method is called with FileNamesAsNames = False, StoreFileNames = (rvoAssignImageFileNames in Options).

Supported platforms: Windows (VCL, LCL, FireMonkey)

Return value:

True, if at least one of pictures was inserted.

See also methods:



See also properties:


See also events:


See also:

RichView and Clipboard.