Re: Animinated Gif

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 09/18/2002 21:13:01


RichView does not support animated images directly yet.

Load animation in some component which can play it, and inset this component

into RichView.


> Hi,


> I try to insert the animinated gif into the rve. I made the following



> 1. modify the program RVFuncs.pas

> 2. insert function as follow


> procedure My_AfterImportGraphic(Graphic: TGraphic);

> begin

> if Graphic is TGifImage then

> TGifImage(Graphic).DrawOptions :=


> end;


> 3. alter ther initialization steps


> initialization

>   RV_CreateGraphics := RV_CreateGraphicsDefault;

>   {RV_AfterImportGraphic := RV_AfterImportGraphicDefault; }

>   RV_AfterImportGraphic := My_AfterImportGraphic;

> end.


> 4. recompile again.


> when i try my application i insert the gif into the rve. It dosen't work

> but the graphic size is chane e.g. the size which include the animinated

> path which the size is big enought to hole the animinated gif but it won't

> animiated.


> Any idea?


> Cheers

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