Re: Different size of metafile picutres in RVEdit and RTF

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Benedikt Weber

Posted: 10/01/2002 17:39:34

> If you want images to have the same size in RichView and Word, just assign

> the item's extra properties:


> // code for inserting image


> if gr is TMetafile then begin

>   rve.BeginUndoGroup(rvutInsert);

>   rve.SetUndoGroupMode(True);

>   rve.InsertPicture('',gr,rvvaBaseLine);

>   rve.SetCurrentItemExtraIntProperty(rvepImageWidth, gr.Width, False);

>   rve.SetCurrentItemExtraIntProperty(rvepImageWidth, gr.Height, False);

>   rve.SetUndoGroupMode(False);

>   end

> else

>   rve.InsertPicture('',gr,rvvaBaseLine);

This really helped!! The problem is now solved. You suggested the extra item

properties before, so I should really have been following that advice. May

be it was just not clear enough to me what it would do from the ReadMe file.

I was thinking it had no influence on metafiles, because they already have

their own width and heigth properties. The above example code was really


Thanks alot!


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