Re: Drawing RTF in other Canvas?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/09/2004 19:10:52

For demos on drawing to canvases see:

Demos\Delphi\Assorted\Graphics\ToImage\ - drawing on metafile canvas (of

screen resolution)

Demos\Delphi\Assorted\Printing\ReportHelper\ - drawing on printer canvas

> Is it possible to draw a RTF-Paragraph to a special Canvas.

> The best would be to have a function like


>     DrawRTFToCanvas(Canvas: TCanvas; DrawRect: TRect; Dpi: Integer;


> WideString);


> Instead of Dpi it is could be somethink like a scale-factor.


> Is this possible or does somebody know a solution how to get this

> painting-to-canvas solved?



> Thanks


> Bernhard



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