Re: Help with highliting text

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 12/01/2003 11:50:24

Did you copy the code without changes? It's important, for example, that

"Busy" is "const", otherwise infinite recursion (and stack overflow) occurs.

This code works for me.

Please send me a simple project reproducing problem.

> I get a stack overflow as sonn as I type 1 charecter. It pulls up at the

> line in the RVstyle unit which reads


>  FTextStyles[StyleNo].Draw(s2, Canvas, StyleNo,

>                      SpaceBefore, Left, Top, Width, Height, Self,


> Printing);


> If I can't do it I am not fussed. I am simply looking for a way to show a

> certain number of chars will be sent in a message and the rest will be

> stored so maybe I will have to try something else.

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