Re: Linked Pictures in TRichview

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Matt Hunter

Posted: 06/18/2003 7:28:03

Here is the file you asked for. I can change the code to do it with includepicture

if you can send me and example to go by because just changeing import to

includepicture wasn't enough.



{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq0\fcharset0 Arial;}}

\par \pard\plain\ql\li0\f0\fs52\b\ul\par  Software Changes

\par \pard\plain\ql\li300\f0\fs44\b\i\par  Interface Requirements and Design

\par \pard\plain\ql\li600\f0\fs36\b Pictures

\par \pard\plain\ql\li900\f0\fs28\i \keepn Picture 1


{\*\flyanchor0\flycntnt}{{\field\fldpriv{\*\fldinst{\\import C:/BDTest/Slab.jpg}}{\fldrslt


\par \pard \par

\par \pard\plain\ql\li900\f0\fs28\i \keepn Picture 2


{\*\flyanchor0\flycntnt}{{\field\fldpriv{\*\fldinst{\\import C:/BDTest/TT1small.bmp}}{\fldrslt


\par \pard \par

\par \pard\plain\ql\li600\f0\fs36\b List of Current Procedures Vs Beastprint


\par \pard\plain\ql\li900\f0\fs28\i VIP Procedures

\par \pard\plain\ql\li9000\f0\fs28\b \ul 10 hrs

\par \pard\plain\ql\li900\f0\fs28\i Fastener Procedures

\par \pard\plain\ql\li9000\f0\fs28\b \ul 65 hrs

\par \pard\plain\ql\li900\f0\fs28\i Ticketing Procedures

\par \pard\plain\ql\li9000\f0\fs28\b \ul 10 hrs

\par \pard\plain\ql\li900\f0\fs28\i Printers Procedures

\par \pard\plain\ql\li9000\f0\fs28\b \ul 34 hrs

\par \pard\plain\ql\li300\f0\fs44\b\i\par  Development Notes



>Can you send me such RTF to test?

>RichView understands linked pictures, but from field 'INCLUDEPICTURE', not




>> I produce an RTF to a file manually and need to display it in the

>> Trichview but the

>> pictures don't come out. They are linked rather than embedded. The file

>> opens OK in Star Office and word. Pictures open if they are embedded but


>> not linked. Following is the line that is in the file:

>> {\*\flyanchor0\flycntnt}{{\field\fldpriv{\*\fldinst{\\import

>> C:/BDTest/Slab.jpg}}{\fldrslt }}}


>> Thanks





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