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DBSRVEdit 2.4.1 Access Violations after Update

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:33 pm
by mwilems1
I'm trying to install the new version of ScaleRichViewEdit v2.4.1.

I could not find the full version downloads for RichView nor RVActions so I let the installer download the files.

After following the instructions to update RV 11.1.1 and RVA 1.72, The installer for SRV got to the license Agree/Don't Agree page. When I Agreed to the license, I got three Access Violation messages. The following registration page shows the Activation code and destination path properly. The Registration name is "- - -". It also show a line saying "*registration key is found".

Please HELP. I need to have a prototype including the SRVLabel, SRVButton, SRVEdit, and SRVCheckBox; which I also need to locate these bpl's and source.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:49 pm
by mwilems1
I uninstalled SRV and DBSRV, removed the registry entries and the first time through, the installed just crashed and after that there were the access violations again.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:58 pm
by mwilems1
The error seems to be in the registry reader/writer. After clearing the TSRichViewEdit entry from the registry, the installer crashes while updating or reading the registry. It added the key but did not add any values under it and did not allow me to enter my registration information before it crashed.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:27 pm
by mwilems1
Stepped back to SRV 2.2.1. I still got access violations on the installer, but it did not crash and completed the install. So, after three hours, I'm back to where I started except I have the latest versions of RV and RVA.

I'm still looking for the SRVEdit, SRVLabel, SRVCheckBox, ...

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:37 am
by Sergey Tkachenko
SRVControls are here: ...
But they require SRV 2.4.1.
I asked Ilya to resend a source code of SRV 2.4.1 to you without an installer.

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:40 pm
by mwilems1
Thanks Sergey.

Not sure why I'm having problems with the installer. I'm running Vista Home Premium and I keep my machine very clean. Only stuff installed is Office 2007, RAD Studio 2009, MySQL 5.5, and Adobe CS3. Nothing that I would expect to interfere with an installer.

SRV 2.2 gives the same Installer error, but seems to update the registry and move on. SRV 2.4 crashes and only sets the key HCU\Software\TSRichViewEdit with no values in it.

It just occurred to me. Doesn't it try to get the "Registered To" name? I ran into the same thing when a key is set but you look for a value that doesn't exist. It might be in that. But still, why am I the only one having this problem? Strange. If I can help, let me know.

I don't have any problems with the RichView installer.

Thanks again.

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:09 pm
by proxy3d
Sorry, while the place of your problem is not found in the installer. On all computers tested by me the installer works normally (with other access rights). Now I try to test ThtmlViewer ( as for me with it were before a problem. I use its old version. I will try to refresh it.

I have sent you source codes without the installer.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:24 am
by mwilems1
My user is the only user on the computer and I have administrator rights. I have also turned off all limits I could without digging in to the registry. I want to keep my development computers as "normal" as possible so my deployment will function on most other computers.

Thanks so much for addressing this for me.