TCustomRVFontComboBox Properties

Properties  | Legend

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TCustomRVFontComboBox Properties

Properties  | Legend

In TCustomRVFontComboBox

published ActionFont

published Editor

Derived from TComboBox

published  Anchors

published  BiDiMode

published  Color

published  Constraints

published  Ctl3D

published  DragCursor

published  DragKind

published  DragMode

published  DropDownCount

published  Enabled

published  Font

published  ImeMode

published  ImeName

published  ItemHeight

published  Items

published  MaxLength

published  ParentBiDiMode

published  ParentColor

published  ParentCtl3D

published  ParentFont

published  ParentShowHint

published  PopupMenu

published  ShowHint

published  Sorted

published  Style

published  TabOrder

published  TabStop

published  Text

published  Visible