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The event for requesting a user name and a password from the user.


  // Defined in MRVType/fmxMRVType unit
  TRVOnLoginEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ARealm : string;
    var AUserName, APassword : Stringvar Proceed: Boolean) of object;


property OnLogin: TRVOnLoginEvent;

This event occurs if authentication fails and LoginPromt = True.

If this event is not assigned, the component displays its own login prompt dialog. The event allows to implement your own user interface for requesting a user name and a password.

Input parameters:

ARealm describes the resource that needs authentication.

AUserName, APassword – user name and password from the previous (failed) login attempt.

Proceed = True.

Output parameters:

AUserName, APassword – new user name and password.

Assign Proceed = True to proceed with the new user name and password. Assign Proceed = False to stop login attempts.