Animated Images in TRichView [VCL and LCL]

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Animated Images in TRichView [VCL and LCL]


TRichView can animate inserted images.

AnimationMode property defines when animation starts. By default, AnimationMode=rvaniManualStart.

rvaniManualStart is used by default because rvaniOnFormat may cause problems in some existing applications (created before implementing this feature), because animation must be stopped when you call viewer-style methods like DeleteItems. If you simply load and edit documents, set this mode to rvaniOnFormat.


StartAnimation starts all animations;

StopAnimation stops all animations;

ResetAnimation rewinds all animations to the first frame.

Supported Animations

1.TGifImage included in Delphi 2007, 2009 or newer

Include RVGifAnimate2007 unit in your project to enable this animation.

2.TGifImage by Anders Melander

Gif animation for older versions of Delphi.


Include RVGifAnimate unit in your project to enable this animation.

3.RVJvGifAnimate for TJvGifImage from JEDI's JVCL


4.Grid animation

An image is sliced into animation frames (rvepImageWidth x rvepImageHeight) arranged in rows and columns. Animation is enabled if you set nonzero rvepAnimationInterval (animation delay in 1/100 of second), see TRVExtraItemProperty type. If at least one of rvepImageWidth and rvepImageHeight is not defined, animation is not played.

This feature works if RVGridAnimate unit is included in the project (add it to "uses" of the main form unit).