Re: How to print html with ReportBuilder

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Marco Alessandro

Posted: 05/28/2003 13:51:56

Sergey, I made this way. I put a TppRichView in the report and the follow code in the beforegenerate of the detail band: procedure TFORM_FICHA_AVALIA_NEW.ppDetailBand3BeforeGenerate(Sender: TObject); const Header = '';

       Footer = ''; var Texto: string; begin inherited; try RvHtmlImporter1.RichView := ppRichView1.RichView; Texto := StringReplace(QRY_EMP_CONSULTA_CREDITO.FieldByName('dsc_descricao').AsString , #$D#$A, '

', [rfReplaceAll]); if Pos('', UpperCase(Texto)) > 0 then RvHtmlImporter1.LoadHtml(Texto) else RvHtmlImporter1.LoadHtml(Header + Texto + Footer); except end; end; It still gave me an access violation but was enought for me to show plain text an html from de same query. Thanks. Tito.

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