Adapting REditor Example for DB

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Bob Dalton

Posted: 02/14/2002 6:27:39

I am attempting to adapt your REditor example to work with a data aware

TDBRichViewEdit component instead of the TRichViewEdit shown in your eample.

It's been a struggle as things don't seem to work quite the same way perhaps

due to my poor understanding of your work at present.

The problem seems to be that the changes which are displayed on the screen

do not appear to be saved in the blob data field. Example: I change italic

text to be italic and bold text and it appears on the screen but is not

actually saved to the data field (a blob field) and when recalled later from

data just shows the original italic text. This does not appear to be a

problem when only one text attribute is used only.

Any possibility of you making an exact copy of the REditor example but using

the data aware TDBRichViewEdit component  instead and posting it in your

examples forum?

Also it would be nice to see how color text can be implemented in that


Perhaps with more time I will discover these things but didn't expect such a

steep learning curve with this component as I am experiencing so far.

Most of the work I do is with RTF stored in blob data fields in tables so

some more examples of this world be welcome. Basically my need is to allow

users to allow basic text formatting for an RTF database field.


Bob Dalton

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