Re: AutoSwitchLang dont work!

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 05/22/2003 21:41:46

Charset is switched when you change keyboard layouts, for example, from

English to Arabic.

When you do it, the system sends WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE message to richviewedit,

and it processes it (changes the current charset).

I do not know yet which message the system sends when you press Ctrl+LShitt

or Ctrl+RShift. Probably, there is no such message and RichViewEdit should

process these key combinations directly.

It will be implemented in one of the next updates.

Besides, I plan to implement RichViewActions for changing BiDiMode of the

selected text and of the selected paragraphs.

> Hi!

> I dont understand what this option do exactly!

> When I use this option no thing change. I really dont know what it can do!

> in help said that "If set, editor processes changing f keyboard locale and

> switches current text style to the style with charset of new keyboard

> locale."

> But In my computer it dont chnage keyboard layout when cursor go under a

> text with specified charset and it dosnt work with I press CTRL + RShift /

> LShift!

> BTW I think Like MS Word it must chnage BiDiMode of current paragraph even

> if user selected part of paragraph!


> Now I want to know how can I produce a program exactly Like MS Word.

> In MS Word when User press Ctrl + LShift then he can type text in Arabaic

> charset and RTL and when he press Ctrl + RShift he/she can type text in

> English charset and LTR!


> But in trichview if I change BiDiMode to rvbdRightToLeft user can type


> correcly in RTL But he/she CANT type text in LTR Correcly!


> Am I must change BiDiMode of Styles and if so how can I say to


> that if user pressed Ctrl + LShift then it must switch to RTL mode and use

> of a new specified style.


> Thanks for your interest to my question!

> Regard


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