Backgound color of picture

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Benedikt Weber

Posted: 09/16/2002 19:34:46

How can I set the background color of a picture. Actually I want to set it

by going through the document by items. When the item is a picture

        rv_editor->GetItemStyle(item) == rvsPicture

I want to get the picture and, depending on the tag, set a background color.

I have managed to do the same for text by changing the BackColor and for

table by assigning a color to it. But I don't find anything for pictures Can

you give me hint, or at least tell if it is  possible at all? Below is an

extract of the code.



TColor newcolor;

for (int item=0; item<rv_editor->ItemCount; ++item) {

         int style= rv_editor->GetItemStyle(item);

         if ( style >= 0) {

                 // assign new TextStyle with newcolor according to the

REdit example


         else if (style == rvsTable){

                TRVTableItemInfo* table=


                table->Color= newcolor;


        else if  (style == rvsPicture){

               // what comes here?????



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