Re: How Read the bullets i.e numbered bullet etc not the image bullet in RichView

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 08/02/2002 10:47:10

Paragraph lists are not supported in v1.6.10.

Next release (coming soon and already available for registered users) will


> Hi,


> Q1>I have one rtf file , wherein I have the contents like :


>     Task

> Deccription:

> 1.Priority1.

> 2.Priority2.

>     2.1 Priority 2.1

>     2.2 Priority 2.2

> But when I load this rtf file in richview using RichView.LoadRtf, the

> indentation of the bulleted text is lost. Why is it so?



> Q2> How to read the level of the bulleted text and the content at specific

> level ie. content at bullet 2.1 and 2.2


> I am using RichView v1.6.10.


> Please help me






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