Re: How to avoid images in RichView?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/10/2005 22:45:20

1) Pictures can appear as a result of drag&drop

Remove rvddRVF, rvddBitmap, rvddMetafile from rve.AcceptDragDropFormats


You can also remove rvddRTF, but you can disallow reading images from RTF by

assigning rve.RTFReadProperties.IgnorePictures = True.

2) Pictures can appear as a result of pasting.

You can block pasting undesirable formats by writing your own code for

pasting in OnPaste event (block RVF, bitmaps and metafiles, and see the RTF

remark above).

Background images? They can be pasted only in HTML format, using


Do you use it / RichViewActions?


> Hi,


> I dont want to any picture to be pasted on the RichView Edit in any case,

> not even as the background of the tables etc.

> What should I do to achieve this.

> I have tried deleting all the images on Paste event but I could not get


> OnPaste event for images when set as background of a table.

> I've also set all possible properties of richview.

> If you have any better solution please let me know.


> Thanks in advance.


> - Pratik

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