Re: how to use richviewedit's OnPaint event draw bitmap in margin place

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/09/2005 19:31:10

var r: TRect;

r := rv.ClientRect;

inc(r.Left, rv.LeftMargin);

inc(r.Top, rv.TopMargin);

dec(r.Right, rv.RightMargin);

dec(r.Bottom, rv.BottomMargin);

But OnPaint allows to draw something only over the document, not below it.

> hi,how are you

> i have a question about richviewedit margin.

> i set TopMargin=50,now i wanna use OnPaint event draw a bitmap in margin

> place;

> but i how to get margin's rect coordinate value.


>     y

>    x------------

>      here is TopMargin

>     ------------xy

> |  |            |  |

> |  | here is    |  |

> |  |  document  |  |

> |  |            |  |

>     ------------

>       here is BottomMargin

>     ------------

> thks ,[richview hooray! i like it]



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