Re: Ignore and Add

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/28/2005 17:51:20

In order to implement live spell checking, you need to use some third-party

spellchecking engine (Addict, ASpell, LS Speller, etc.)

"Add to dictionary" and "Ignore all" commands must be implemented using

these spellcheckers.

After implementing these commands, call

RichViewEdit.LiveSpellingValidateWord to remove red underlines from all

occurences of this word. I do not think it's necessary to move caret to the

end of the word - other editors do not do it.

For example, for Addict3:

"Add to dictionary" - AddToDictionary method

"Ignore all" - AddToIgnoreList method.

For other spellcheckers, read comments in the corresponding units.

> I have created a popup menu for right click on misspelled word.


> 1. How can I ignore a the current word (word where caret fall under)?

> 2. How can I add the current word to dictionary?

> 3. After ignore or add, how to move the caret to the end of the word and

> then dismiss the red line which indicate misspelled word?



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