Lazarus for Linux
This update introduces support for the new platform: Lazarus for Linux.
TRichView supports two types of Linux canvases: GTK2 (the default widgetset for Lazarus on Linux) and the Cairo canvas (used for printing).
The update has been tested on Lazarus 3.6.

- trichview-lazarus-for-linux.jpg (233.79 KiB) Viewed 64467 times
The following components are ported:
- all the components from TRichView package
- RichViewXML
- RvHtmlImporter (although, this is an obsolete component, please use TRichView HTML loading methods instead).
Like for FireMonkey, the Lazarus version of
TRVSpellChecker component uses HunSpell on Linux.
Right to left languages are supported.
Will be ported to Lazarus for Linux soon:
- RichViewActions
- ASpell component (or, probably, TRVSpellChecker will support both HunSpell and ASpell)
- VirtualTree integration
The Linux version has fewer features compared to the Windows version.
Similar to the FireMonkey version, it does not support the following:
- Advanced character attributes (e.g., character spacing, horizontal character scaling)
- Distributed paragraph alignment (justification by increasing character spacing; only word-spacing-based justification is supported)
- Image animations
I plan to implement animations for both the FireMonkey and Lazarus for Linux versions in one of the upcoming winter updates.
Additionally, the Lazarus for Linux version lacks support for:
- Drag-and-drop functionality
- Table cell rotations