TRichViewEdit vs TcxTRichViewEdit and pasted HTML

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TRichViewEdit vs TcxTRichViewEdit and pasted HTML

Post by Fab85 »


I'm encountering an issue with the TcxTRichViewEdit component in Delphi. On the same form, I have both a TRichViewEdit and a TcxTRichViewEdit, both with default properties and no modifications.

Here's the problem:

I copy HTML content from a web browser using CTRL+C.
When I paste it into the TRichViewEdit using CTRL+V, the content appears correctly with full formatting, closely resembling the original HTML.
However, when I paste the same content into the TcxTRichViewEdit, it displays only plain text without any formatting.

I was expecting the TcxTRichViewEdit to handle pasted HTML content the same way as TRichViewEdit, preserving all formatting.

Could you please explain why this discrepancy occurs and how I can get the TcxTRichViewEdit to display the pasted HTML content with full formatting?

I've attached the full source code for your reference.

Tested on Delphi 11 and 12 with TRichView version 22.4 using VCL (Windows 10/11 64bits).
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Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: TRichViewEdit vs TcxTRichViewEdit and pasted HTML

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Include rvddHTML in cxTRichViewEdit1.Properties.AcceptPasteFormats
(this option is included by default in TRichViewEdit, but not in TcxTRichViewEdit1)
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