
<< Click to display table of contents >>


Returns the index of the first item at the beginning of the PageNo-th page.

procedure GetPageStartItemNo(PageNo: Integer; var ItemNo, Offs: Integer);

Input parameter

PageNo is a page index, from 1.

Output parameters

ItemNo – index of the item starting this page. This value is in range 0..RichViewEdit.ItemCount-1.

Offs – defines the position in the ItemNo-th item, where the first line on the page starts. For all items except for tables, this is an offset in item:

for text items, this is the index of the character starting the page (from 1);

for non-text items (except for tables), this parameter equals to 0;

for tables, this is the index of the first row on this page (from 0) (see GetPageStartTableItem and GetPageStartTableRow).

See also:
