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Allows painting over the richview document


  TRVPaintEvent = procedure (Sender: TCustomRichView; 

    Canvas: TCanvas; Prepaint: Boolean) of object;


property OnPaint: TRVPaintEvent;

(introduced in version 1.7)


Canvas canvas for painting.

Prepaint reserved for future use.This event is called when all standard painting is done.


This event does not affect printing (see OnPagePrepaint, OnPagePostpaint).


VCL/LCL: use client coordinates to draw. Point(0,0) is a the top left corner of the TRichView window.

FireMonkey: use document coordinates to draw. PointF(HScrollPos, VScrollPos) is a the top left corner of the TRichView window.


Demo project:

Demos\*\Assorted\Custom Draw\CustomDraw\