This update is free for customers who ordered ReportWorkshop in 2022, 2023, and 2024.
Trial versions can be downloaded here:
TRichView + ReportWorkshop FireMonkey trial became large (more than 500 Mb, and much more when unpacked) because it includes precompiled files for all supported platforms.
So, we decided to provide separate trial downloads for RAD Studio 11 and for RAD Studio 12 additionally.
The trial version for RAD Studio 11 is larger, because more precompiled files are needed to support Community Edition.
Trial limitation in FireMonkey version: no more than 100 records of each data query are displayed.
Main changes after the last update:
- FireMonkey version (all platforms)
- report generation in a background thread
- Lazarus for Windows version
- add-on for barcodes and QR codes

See version history: ... istory.htm
Previous version