TRVScreenAndDevice, PRVScreenAndDevice types

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TRVScreenAndDevice, PRVScreenAndDevice types

Unit [VCL/FMX]: RVStyle / fmxRVStyle.

  TRVScreenAndDevice = record
    ppixScreen, ppiyScreen,

    ppixDevice, ppiyDevice,

    ppiDocument: Integer;
  PRVScreenAndDevice = ^TRVScreenAndDevice;

This record stores information necessary to convert values to/from device (such as printer) pixels.

ppixScreen, ppiyScreen – basic DPI, usually TRVStyle.UnitsPixelsPerInch (they are called “screen” for historical reasons)

ppixDevice – number of pixels per inch along the device width.

ppiyDevice – number of pixels per inch along the device height.

ppiDocument – number of pixels per inch in TRichViiew (see DocumentPixelsPerInch).

This structure is filled automatically, you do not need to use its members.