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TRVRowGenerationRule is an item in TRVRowGenerationRules collection.

Unit RVReportTable;


TRVRowGenerationRule = class (TRVRowGenerationCustomRule)



TRVRowGenerationRule is a class of items in the collection TRVReportTableItemInfo.RowGenerationRules.

In addition to properties inherited from TRVRowGenerationCustomRule, this class introduces the properties listed below.

Properties used when building a cross-tab report:

KeyFieldNames – a list of fields allowing to distinguish records when grouping them in table rows

CaseSensitive specifies how values of text key fields are compared

AllowSummaryCols, AllowSummaryRows allow generating reports that do not have summary rows and columns more efficiently.

Properties used for copying columns:

CopyFirstCol, CopyColCount, CopySpacingColCount, CopyMaxCount


Script_OnStart, Script_BeforeRecord, Script_AfterRecord, Script_OnEnd are executed when this rule is applied.

Special report features

There are three special report features that can be used in rules:

cross-tabulation (mainly defined in the table's CrossTabulation property);

column copying (content of selected cells are copied in multiple columns, and only then a new row is added);

nested rules (defined in SubRules, nested rules applied to rows belonging to rows of their parent rule).

Only one of these features can be used at the same time:

if cross-tabulation is defined (i.e. the table's CrossTabulation.Levels.Count > 0), neither column copying nor nested rules are applied;

if column copying is defined in the rule (i.e. CopyColCount > 0), nested rules are not applied; however, different rules in the same table may have column copying and nested rules.