New in v10.0

<< Click to display table of contents >>

New in v10.0

This topic includes changes made in v10.1.


New UI translation: Slovenian.

Smooth scrolling

A new optional parameter SmoothScroll is added to the following TSRichViewEdit methods:

ScrollToItem, ScrollToCaret, ScrollCaretToCenter,

StartEditNote, ReturnToNote,

FirstCurPage, NextCurPage, PriorCurPage, LastCurPage.

It is False by default.

Since this version, the actions use smooth scrolling:

when scrolling to a checkpoint,

when editing a note or a text box (switching between a note document and a note itself)

when activating headers/footers.

New property of TSRVPageScroll: SmoothScroll.

Read mode

New property of TSRichViewEdit: ReadModeProperty. It allows displaying document in a way convenient for reading.


always displaying full pages

auto page size or auto zooming

page flipping effect

options to overriding page color and for hiding page background image

New actions for switching to a read mode:

a_layoutsidetoside TsrvActionLayoutSideToSide (auto page zooming)

a_layoutread TsrvActionLayoutRead (auto page size)

Improved BiDiMode support

If TSRichViewEdit.BiDiMode = rvbdRightToLeft, the following changes are applied (in addition to placing a vertical scrollbar at the left side):

when pages are arranged in columns, pages in each row are ordered from right to left

line selection with the mouse works on the right page margin


SRVControls are ported to Lazarus, Windows platform (except for TSRVMediaPlayer).

New data-aware versions of SRVControls:

srvdbcheckbox TSRVDBCheckBox – data-aware check box;

srvdbcombobox TSRVDBComboBox – data-aware combo box;

srvdbedit TSRVDBEdit – data-aware plain-text one-line editor;

srvdblistbox TSRVDBListBox – data-aware scrollable list of items;

srvdbmemo TSRVDBMemo – data-aware plain-text multi-line editor;

srvdbtext TSRVDBText – data-aware text label.

New property for TSRVListBox and TSRVComboBox: UseSelectedImagesInHotState. It specifies which image indexes are used for highlighted items.

Other changes

New events and properties

In TSRichViewEdit:

OnTextFound event

MarkdownProperties property

MinPrintedOffInItem and MaxPrintedOffInItem properties allow defining a range of items to print with higher precision

In TSRVToolbar:

OnDrawButtonBackground event