| TRichView in Applications | |
Authors: UNICOR, Sergey Tkachenko
Interface: English/Russian
Status: Program is complete, now our experts are working on database
License: Commercial

Main window (English interface, Russian database)
The main purpose of this application is aiding to search analogues for technical systems.
Technical systems are described using the unique method developed in UNICOR, which provides some interesting possibilities for search, including the thesaurus of functions.
This is the application the first version of RichView was designed for.
First we tried to use RichEdit, but after some experiments we've concluded what it's impossible to create professional looking application in this way.
RichView is used for displaying a hypertext document describing one technical system (one document is assembled from about 30 database tables defining text, pictures, animation, tables (grids), links).
Disclaimer: This application is listed here because it uses our programming library. We are not the developers of the applications listed in this section of the web site (unless explicitly stated). Contact information of the developer of this application is at the beginning of this page. Please address all support or sales questions regarding this application to the developer. We are trying to keep information in this section of our site up to date. But applications are evolving, and some information or graphics may be obsolete. Visit the application's site for the actual information.