
TRichView 21.1, ReportWorkshop 5.2

We’ve updated our components to versions: TRichView 21.1, ScaleRichView 12.0.1, ReportWorkshop 5.2

This update fixes all bugs that were reported after the last major release.

Markdown and images

Since this update, inline images (base64-encoded) are supported not only in HTML, but in Markdown too.

New option in TRichView.MarkdownProperties.SaveOptions: rvmdsoInlineImages. If included, images are stored directly in Markdown text instead of external graphic files.
On reading, inline images are loaded automatically, no changes in settings or code are needed.
Note: in Markdown, an image must be encoded on a single line, without line break characters.

Keyboard shortcuts in macOS

Previous versions of TRichView used Ctrl in shortcuts for all platforms, for example Ctrl+C for copying. However, this is not a standard for macOS.
Since this update, TRichView uses Command key (⌘) in shortcuts instead of Ctrl (⌃): ⌘+C for copying, ⌘+Z for undo, and so on.
Menus and toolbars in FireMonkey demos are changed accordingly (at designtime, the demos still use Ctrl in shortcuts. But when running on macOS, shortcuts are changed to Cmd when a form is created).
Since this update, on macOS, hyperlinks in editor are activated when pressing ⌘ instead of ⌃.

ReportWorkshop: improvement in report wizard action

New feature: an option that allows using the same dataset on different master/detail levels in the report wizard: TrvrActionReportWizard.AllowSelfReferences.

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